Service Coordinator
Everyone needs some help once in a while, so at Fedor Manor we have a licensed Social Worker, Wendy Lacasse, LISW onsite to assist our residents.
Additionally, Wendy can help with service referrals, applications for Medicaid and Food Assistance, Social Security, Living Wills, and other confusing paperwork. It’s just a small part of what she can do to take the worry out of your day.
Our Service Coordinator can provide assistance with applications in the areas noted below.
Support Services
Department of Jobs and Families Services
Medicare Savings Program
Medicare Part D
Social Security and Low-Income Subsidy (LIS)
Supplemental Insurance
Living Wills and Durable Powers of Attorney
Passport and Options Programs
Health Services
Arrange for home health care
Arrange for Hospice
Arrange for Durable Medical Equipment
Order prescriptions and arrange for prescription delivery
Coordinate with hospital and nursing home social workers
Discharge planning from hospitals and nursing homes
Other Services
Transportation to Medical Appointments including applying for the Paratransit
Congregate and Home Delivered Meal Services
Grocery Shopping Program
Arranging Emergency Alert Button